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Writer's picturethefannypacktherapist

Our mission

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

Our mission at The FannyPack Therapist is simple: spread knowledge & simplify treatment.

When we established The FannyPack Therapist on Instagram this spring, we had a few different missions in mind. For some time, Mara and I knew we wanted to share our knowledge of augmentative alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology (AT) on a social media platform. However, we also continued to see a trend in therapy and on social media that we wanted to address: over-stressed practitioners, who seemed to be over-preparing for every treatment session. Our response was to create a platform to spread knowledge of how to provide high-quality occupational and speech language therapy treatment without all the stress and over-preparation.

The FannyPack Therapist is on a mission to empower therapists to get back to basics of intervention, and navigate the world of AAC + AT. We encourage practitioners of all disciplines to prioritize therapeutic use of self, to be creative & channel their inner-child, and to destress & simplify their treatment.

“The FannyPack Therapist is on a mission to empower therapists to get back to basics of intervention, and navigate the worlds of AAC + AT."

We hope to spread joy, provide some knowledge, and encourage work-life balance. Join us in our advocacy for all children to have access to their childhood occupations and communication, no matter their abilities or communication modes. We are also excited to see how The FannyPack Therapist will evolve over time. We are here for you, and want to respond to the needs of other therapists out there who are seeking a place to collaborate and grow.


annabeth & mara

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